Street Racer STR motoros kesztyű a MotoZemtől


Én néha elfelejtkezem magamról, és olyankor lelkesen énekelek és rázom magam vezetés közben! Egyszer mikor még robogóztam, volt egy szám, a "Gerappa" (a pontos címére nem emlékszem), és hallgatása közben nagyon beleéltem magam....... Hát a piros lámpánál állva leírhatatlan volt az emberek képe mikor szétnéztem! Még szerencse, hogy sötétített volt a plexi a sisakomon! :bang:
Van amikor hallok egy zenét és a zene és a szövege is annyira mocskosul bejön, hogy szebben, jobban én se tudnám elmondani mennyire így van!!!

Röyksopp: Circuit Breaker

What is that funny light and sound
Calling me, in my head, repeatedly?
What is that vision there in sight
Before my eyes?
So prominent
So mesmerising, turbulent
You've got a hold on me
Your ingenuity
Seems to be driving me down on my knees
The force you generate
You reinvigorate
Your body tells them 'No mistakes'
For I'm already droll
Close to the divine
Toxic human images are rushing through my mind
Embodiment of sin, has seen a way within
Sensation seems to multiply
They're building up inside
Carried through the night
Radiating light
I see you move the crowd
I know what you're about
The stories I have heard
To talk about excess
I know what people say
But surely you impress?
Caressed by a pill
You elevated soul
Vanity and pride
An addict to one
A universal force
A one and only kind
A thing I can't control
No matter how I try
What have you done to me?
This kind of chemistry
Emotions running over me
And when you arch your back
Just when you stay like that
When it's natural to interact
When others holding back
Ready to commence
Caught up in your bliss
You're so confusing and intense
Synergy of two
Energy go wild
See the stars aligned and spinning
Our name out in the sky
Jealousy in sight
So fascinating ride
So much faith between
Floating up the steam
Calling out so loud
Beautiful and true
Mystery about
Everything you do
Caressed by a drug
You elevated soul
Vanity and pride
An addict to one
A universal force
A one and only kind
A thing I can't control
No matter how I try
This electricity
Injected into me
Emotions running over me
And when you're getting close
You touch my innermost
A feeling deep inside me knows
On a floaty light
Carried through the night
We have got it all
I get through without
Flowing in my veins
Ribbing through my soul
I'll never be the same
The secret can't be told
Charismatic pill
You elevated soul
Vanity and pride
An addict to one
A universal force
A one and only kind
A thing I can't control
No matter how I try
Szerintem ha a tanárok tudták volna előre, hogy az osztálybulikból később Dokk lesz, meg Coronita a Hajógyári-szigeten afterpartykkal, akkor sosem rendeztek volna nekünk ilyet. :D

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